Firebirds Wood Fired Grill Expands Sustainability Efforts

Just in time for Earth Day, Firebirds Wood Fired Grill is expanding its sustainability efforts to include wine cork and crayon recycling programs. Known for its extensive wine list and healthy kids menu that includes fun activities, Firebirds will soon place drop-off boxes inside each restaurant for guests and employees to deposit used wine corks and crayons.

Both natural corks and synthetic corks will be recycled, with 2 cents donated to forest and ocean conservation efforts for every natural cork recycled. Guests may also bring used corks and crayons from home and drop them off at the restaurant for recycling.

“The culture at Firebirds focuses on being conscious. In this case, that means keeping track of and continuously reducing our waste,” says CEO Mark Eason. “With the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimating that 30 to 40 percent of the country’s food supply is thrown out from restaurants and homes, we, as a country and as a company, must do what we can to eliminate physical waste in all forms.”

In addition to its crayon and cork recycling programs, Firebirds’ sustainability program includes:

Sustainable Food Sourcing: Firebirds serves only sustainably raised salmon and trout to negate the risk of depletion of global fish stocks.

Preventing Kitchen Waste: Recycling fryer oil and much of the fat drippings from cooked chicken, chicken wings and ribs reduces kitchen waste.

Sustainable Energy: Firebirds uses locally sourced wood to cook many of its menu items, reducing the amount of electricity and gas used in the kitchen.

Sustainably Harvested Wood: In addition, Firebirds helps reduce particulate levels by ensuring that its wood has been thoroughly dried prior to use.

Using Repurposed Carpet: Firebirds’ carpeting is made in part from repurposed materials, including fishing nets.

Saving Paper and Ink: Reducing the number of printers and the amount of printing conserves paper resources and ink cartridges. Firebirds also uses recycled paper whenever going paperless is not an option.

Organic/Biodynamic Wines: Organic and biodynamic wines are better for the environment and closer to the earth in which the grapes are grown.

The Small Things: Firebirds uses rechargeable candles and recyclable wooden toothpicks instead of plastic ones.

News and information presented in this release has not been corroborated by WTWH Media LLC.