Enjoy Locally Grown Food? Support Farms, Ranches

Diners can show their support for America’s farms and ranches by visiting local restaurants that are participating in American Farmland Trust’s second annual Dine Out for Farms week, from Oct. 16-22.

Dine Out for Farms is a nationwide celebration of delicious food and the farmers and land needed to grow it. The weeklong event raises money to save farms and farmland. 

This year, restaurants in 22 states and the District of Columbia are participating by contributing a percentage of sales during the Dine Out for Farms week or by making a straight donation to help save farms. 

“We are thrilled that such a broad range of eateries—from high-end restaurants to frozen yogurt shops—are participating in this year’s Dine Out for Farms,” says American Farmland Trust President Jon Scholl. 

“By patronizing any one of them during Dine Out for Farms week, you can show that you care about protecting America’s farmland—and the delicious locally grown food that it provides. Dine Out for Farms encourages diners to think about where their food comes from. The United States has been losing nearly one million acres of farmland each year, and the most threatened land is near cities where the majority of our dairy, fresh fruits, and vegetables are grown. To reverse the trend, we need restaurants, diners, and everyone who enjoys eating locally grown food to get involved.”

To view a list restaurants participating in Dine Out for Farms week, visit www.farmland.org/dineout-locate.

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